At Mitchell & Associates we believe not all valuation analysts are created equal. This is an important fact to keep in mind when you need to assess the value of a business, enterprise or intangible asset. Specialized knowledge is essential if you want an accurate assessment of the asset being valued. We provide objective, insightful and supportable valuation opinions that are performed by experienced and knowledgeable professionals.
Our business valuator is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who has also met the rigid professional training and testing requirements to earn the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) accreditation. We have the skills, experience, resources, and knowledge to meet your business valuation needs.
Why you need a business valuation
- Tax valuations (gift, estate)
- Mergers and acquisitions (sale of business, buy/sell agreements, financing)
- Litigation support services (bankruptcy or reorganization, divorce, economic loss and damages, disruption in business, partner/shareholder disputes or actions)
- Management assistance (business plans, succession planning, financial reporting, strategic and market analysis)
Our Business Litigation Services
- Analyzing financial statements and tax returns
- Developing appropriate methodologies based upon the type of valuation
- Analysis and interpretation of personal and business financial records
- Research to develop appropriate and defensible assumptions and variables
- Preparation of trial exhibits and demonstrative aids
- Assisting counsel with trial preparation and examination of witnesses
- Providing testimony at deposition and trial in federal or state courts
- When you’re engaged in litigation, a credible, skilled expert can be one of your best assets. This expert needs to have the technical skills to identify, analyze and interpret the information provided in the case and have the ability to present and defend their position in an easy-to-understand manner in depositions and a court of law. We believe we have the team that can assist you.